
What is Translation Management System?

March 5, 2024
8 minutes
What is Translation Management System?
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Translation management system (TMS) is an indispensable part of the localization and translation process. Sometimes called as translation management software, these systems simplify the translation process and make it much easier to manage a constantly evolving inventory of localization systems. If you aim to grow internationally and need to translate on a large scale, TMS will make a significant contribution to your goal.

If you serve multiple markets where many different languages are spoken, managing the translation of large volumes of content simultaneously can be rather difficult. It is easier to keep track of your projects with translation management systems. What's more, these systems are designed with collaborative workflows in mind.

In addition to providing you with reliable translations, these management systems also make it easier to maintain brand identity while producing content that stays in context. While translation management systems rely on artificial intelligence and machine translations to automate the process, post-editing performed by human linguists ensures that the original message of your content is fully comprehended.It also ensures that translations are culturally compatible and suitable for new markets.

In what situations should I consider using a translation management system?

In what situations should I consider using a translation management system?

Traditional translation services are suitable for reconverting smaller volumes of text from one language to another. However, once you start working on a large scale, the need for a translation management system inevitably arises.

Dividing translation projects into small blocks may seem practical, but there may be problems with inter-textual inconsistencies. Simply managing completed translations and new projects can be time-consuming, and there will be no guarantee that the same translators will work in every department. In addition to making it easy to oversee teams and workflows, a translation management system also makes it practical to establish basic language usage rules to deliver consistent results from start to finish.

What are the common features of translation management systems?

The best translation management systems are cloud-based solutions that allow easy access and effortless integration. Some solutions are different from others, but most have the same common features. Below, we've outlined some of the most common features you'll encounter as you explore your TMS options.

Terminology management

Terminology management


It is common to encounter inconsistencies when translating on a large scale. You can localize content in a large scale more accurately thanks to terminology management and TMS. Like translation memory, terminology management provides you with a constantly updated database containing translated text, brand information, and a full glossary of other useful terms.

When you create content in many different languages, the need for terminology management becomes clear. Translation management system ensures that content is consistent across each version, making it easier to deliver clear and consistent messages across many different languages.

Workflow control

It is never a good idea to rely solely on human linguists when working on large-scale projects, whereas translation management systems give you an effective way to handle large volumes of projects. Best solutions allow you to keep workflows under constant monitoring 24/7. What's more, you'll be able to automate many tasks, improve communication with key team members, and avoid having to waste valuable time on tasks like file management.

A good TMS should be able to connect to your content management system to save content as soon as it is updated. The content can then be easily assigned to translators, allowing it to be quickly remastered for new markets. You will also need a TMS system that can be easily integrated with other applications you use on a daily basis.

Memory management


One of the most important aspects of translation management systems is translation memory management, which is essentially a comprehensive database of translated content. Sometimes Translation memory called as translation memory software , this feature allows you to reuse previously translated words and sentences rather than translating content from scratch each time.

When in doubt, human translators can consult their translation memory to see if a word or particular phrase has been translated before, which will ensure consistency and significantly reduce the time required to complete translation projects. In addition, translation memory can be stored centrally, meaning everyone working on a translation or localization project can access the same information.


Reporting management

Reporting management


Unless a solid reporting system is established, all kinds of localization efforts are doomed to fail. While managers need to monitor progress to ensure project milestones are being set, stakeholders will also ask to scale the final cost of the process.

When you use TMS, every translation task is performed within a single system. By saying farewell to endless spreadsheets and email exchanges, it will become easier to access the information you need to measure performance and return on investment.

Integration of machine translation (MT) management

Ideally, TMS should include an API that allows integration with machine translation applications. While some workflows rely on human translators, there may come a time when they need to turn to machine-generated suggestions for support. Moreover, machine translation applications can help automate large parts of a translation project.

If your TMS supports API integration, you can significantly increase the potential of your system. In addition to allowing you to make use of machine-generated translations, it will allow you to integrate your system more broadly into your workflow.

Main benefits provided by TMS

Main benefits provided by TMS

Translating a website or digital content is not always easy. Keeping track of multilingual projects requires a lot of time and resources, while content often needs to be changed daily. If you're working manually without a TMS support, translation teams must depend on email chains to communicate and spreadsheets to record project progress. Even if you use machine translation tools, they can be quite ineffective when used independently of a translation management system.

The more complex a translation project becomes, the more manual processes need to be put in place which can complicate workflows, increase the likelihood of human error, and significantly slow down the process of producing the final output. With a translation management system, you don't have to worry about such problems. TMS provides a centralized ecosystem to handle all translation tasks while also introducing invaluable management tools.

Embrace automation and say farewell to human error

Until the initiation of TMS, most translation projects were managed with tabbed spreadsheets. This kind of approach may work relatively well when managing smaller projects, but it is not suitable for multilingual localization strategies that depend on multiple workflows. A single spreadsheet needs to be constantly updated to track project progress, but there's always room for human error. Some text may have been added by mistake, and information may be completely missing in some cells. If the content is published, it may leave a bad impression on customers and reflect negatively on the brand.

None of these problems are encountered in translation management systems. TMS is designed with streamlined workflows in mind, meaning that everyone working on a project is always on the same page.

Everyone benefits from access to the same data, where updates are made instantly and all changes are visible. Hence, cloud-based systems further increase consistency by assuring you that everyone is running the same operating version and with the same user interface.

Increase productivity with advanced collaboration


The translation process is a collaborative process. When delivering multilingual projects, a translation team consisting of linguists working from many different locations can be extremely large-scale. Translation management systems are designed within these distributed teams in mind and offer useful collaboration tools.

When using TMS, you can add comments to translated text or provide notes on a new project that translators can refer to before working on a new set of content. Additionally, having access to status updates in real-time increases productivity and allows you to keep constant monitoring.

Such features are invaluable if you rely on external support such as a language service provider. Whether you collaborate a single provider, a team of freelance translators, or a combination of both, TMS simplifies team communication and gives you the visibility you need to deliver a project on time.


Seamless integration for scalability

Seamless integration for scalability

Even the most advanced TMS depends on other systems and software to take your content where it needs to be. With TMS, you can use API technology to seamlessly integrate with your content management system and other software.

However, not every TMS offers the same level of integration. If you want to avoid time-consuming development tasks and their associated costs, check out all the features of TMS before deciding on the type of TMS as your preferred solution.


Deliver consistently accurate translations


Second-rate translations reflect badly on your brand, whereas lack of consistency can equally damage your reputation. Fortunately, TMS provides a variety of useful tools that will allow you to produce consistently accurate translations no matter how many languages you work in..

Along with translation memory, term bases provide translators with the guidance they need when using the most frequently repeated keywords and phrases in your content. Accuracy increases significantly by understanding the full meaning of these terms. Some systems also allow you to create in different languages Style guides and can help improve branding in whatever language you use.

Save time and reduce costs when using resources

TMS can automate many of the processes typically encountered in a translation project. All the general advantages of automation can be favored here, including significant cost and time saving advantages. By removing manual tasks from your workflows, efficiency is guaranteed, allowing your teams to manage large volumes of content in many different languages and formats.

Centralizing the translation process with a TMS also allows companies to determine how much they spend on individual tasks. This information can be used to determine where costs may be incurred, if necessary.

Why is TMS a must for global brands?

If you plan to expand globally, TMS can add value to your company. Below are just a few of the results global organizations can expect when adopting a TMS to manage translation projects.

Accelerating market penetration time with TMS

The translation process can take a lot of time, especially if you are working with large volumes of content. With TMS you can streamline the process and eliminate many of the time-consuming tasks usually associated with manual translation. Time-to-market constraints being left behind, allowing you to keep pace with fast supply chains and consumer demand.


Enhancing global brand image through TMS

With TMS you can be sure that you offer the best possible user experience. When penetrating new markets, translated content will likely be the first consumer exposure to your brand. Poor translations that do not comply with cultural needs and basic language rules will only reflect negatively on your brand. TMS allows you to implement robust quality control measures, meaning that you will never have to worry about the threat of second-rate content.

Driving global revenue growth with TMS

When you can penetrate the market faster and deliver consistently high-quality translated content, revenue growth will be inevitably certain. Allowing you to measure ROI faster, while an improved user experience is more likely to convert one-time buyers into loyal customers.

How do translation management systems continue to evolve?

Translation management systems are already incredibly advanced. However, developing technologies seem to further revolutionize this valuable translation technology. Artificial intelligence continues to improve neural machine translation tools, with machine-assisted translations becoming increasingly reliable.

It seems likely that audiovisual translations will also become widespread in the coming years. While many solutions can now translate audiovisual content to some degree, innovations are making it possible for businesses to localize everything from subtitles to dubbed audio tracks.

Get in touch contact with us and widen the gap between you and your competitors in translation management.